London Bridge | The Secure Bridge between Algorand and Ethereum

The Secure Bridge between Algorand and Ethereum

Transfer tokens between Algorand and Ethereum using the additional security of State Proofs and Hardware Enclaves.

Key Features

Hardware Secure

Uses Intel SGX hardware secure enclave technology to verify each blockchain, send transactions and manage keys, all using predefined and attested code tied to the bridge contracts.

Protected keys

Keys are generated in a trusted execution environment (TEE) and never leave the enclave. This makes the keys inaccessible even by the bridge operator.

Enclave Light clients

The validation of the state of a chain is done directly in the TEE and this means the only way to move funds to the destination chain is to perform a transaction on the source chain. The logic is bound in encrypted hardware with the keys.

Secure Enclave Technology

The London Bridge operators have no access to private keys, nor can they influence the code used to communicate, verify or send transactions to the blockchains without first upgrading the smart contracts (thereby providing full transparency).

Attested Code

Enclave hardware manufacturer attestation, linked to the bridge smart contracts, is used to ensure that only expected and confirmed pre-programmed operations can be executed by the bridge.

Easy to Use

London Bridge is designed to make a complex process feel simple and intuitive.

Clear & Informative

Transferring valuable tokens across a bridge can be a daunting experience, especially when the user is kept in the dark waiting for confirmations. London Bridge is designed to keep the user informated every step of the way.


Developed by Applied Blockchain, an experienced Algorand partner. London Bridge is supported by an Algorand Foundation SupaGrant.